Salesforce Data Source Detail Page

Each Data Source has its own page. For CRMs, you can look through your customer and revenue information, be informed of any issues in your data, create and view Segments, and adjust your settings.

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The Customers tab displays your customer information. You can see when your customer first provided revenue to your company, what their initial and current ARR are, and their current status (Active, Churned, Future, Broken, or Trialing).

Clicking on a customer name leads you to their Customer Detail Page. You can view the evolution of their ARR, as well as the Start and End Dates for each new Contract, Amendment, and Renewal. At the top, you see their Salesforce Account id and additional attributes.

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Click on the Integration logo to see your customer information directly in your account. The ‘Edit’ button allows you to create Attributes for your customer.

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Under Issues, you can see any issues related to your data.

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Check out this article for a complete overview of all CRM related issues.

ARR Movements

Under ARR Movements, you can see the latest updates to your customer base with a list of recent deals.


The Revenue tab breaks down your customer contracts into monthly revenue. You can adjust for your date range, aggregation, and whether you want your revenue to be reflected in MRR or ARR.

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Below your MRR/ARR Waterfall chart, you can see any non-recurring revenue.


Here you can create, edit, or delete any Segments. You can reference this article on Segments for more information.

Salesforce Data Source Detail Page 8Settings

Under Settings, you can adjust how SaaSGrid reads your Salesforce Data. Set up your Opportunities, Amount, Start and End Dates, and Filters.