Metric Groupings

Groupings break down Metrics by an Attribute, providing an additional layer of information to Charts. With Groupings you can easily perform analysis like ARR by region, open invoices by billing frequency, or bookings by sales rep.

To build a Grouping, hover over a Metric and select the Groupings icon. 

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Then select an Attribute and the maximum number of unique groupings you want created (for example, selecting 8 "Total Values" will show the top 7 values for the Attribute with the rest bucketed as "Other"). 

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Different Data Sources have different Attribute types you can group on.

Model Type Applicable Data Sources 
Customer  CRMs, Stripe, Spreadsheets
Subscription Stripe
Product Version Stripe
Contract CRMs
Line Items CRMs

In addition to Attributes automatically created by Integrations, you can always add more Attributes through the last tab of our Spreadsheet Template or append new Attributes to an integration.

Pie Charts show each group as a percent of the whole for a specific period. 100% Stacked Bar Charts show how the distribution between groups changes over time.

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