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  2. Data Sources
  3. Files (Excel or Sheets Template)

Setting up a Files Template

How to power SaaSGrid with Excel or Google Sheets.

Many customers use Excel and Google Sheets to upload their data into SaaSGrid. This article will guide you through creating, setting up, and updating your spreadsheet file.

1. Creating a Spreadsheet Template

2. Customer Revenue 

3. Expenses

4. Headcount

5. Attributes

6. Uploading your Template

7. Updating your Template

8. Limitations

Creating a Spreadsheet Template

Select "+ Data Source" on the Data Sources tab, then Excel or Google Sheets.

Setting up a Spreadsheet Template 1

Set your date range and create the spreadsheet.  You can create additional columns to add future months.

Setting up a Spreadsheet Template 2

Spreadsheet Template Tabs

SaasGrid's template comes pre-formatted with a few sections - see below for a description of what to enter into each tab.

You can fill out the templates directly, or add additional tabs to the template (e.g. a P&L or Salesforce export), and write formulas to the Customer Revenue and Expenses tabs. While other sheets can have formulas or mappings for your data, SaaSGrid only reads the data on the four default tabs. Remember to keep the default tabs and not change their names!

Customer Revenue

On the tab "Customer Revenue", SaaSGrid will pull all revenue associated with a customer. The first section "Non-Recurring Revenue" is the month's aggregate of non-recurring revenue for all customers.

“Total MRR” will automatically sum all your customer revenue, and can serve as an audit for your data.

If your business is measured in ARR, you can create a new tab and populate it with your ARR data. Set your cells to be divided by 12, and write the formulas to the Customer Revenue tab.


On the “Expenses “ tab, Ending Cash Balance is the company’s cash balance as of the end of each month. Cash From Financing is cash you receive from fundraising that is excluded from your Burn calculations. Both must be aggregated for the month.

Below, classify your expenses into one of the four categories. These categories should be mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive of all costs. The category totals will sum automatically. The four cost categories are:

  • Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): COGS are the costs directly associated with operating the product. For pure SaaS companies this typically consists of web hosting, purchased data necessary for the product to run, and the cost of the customer support team. For more detail on what to include in COGS, see our blog.
  • Sales & Marketing (S&M): All the costs associated with go-to-market efforts, including salaries for marketers and sellers, commissions, and paid marketing campaigns.
  • Research & Development (R&D): All costs associated with the product, design, and engineering teams, including salaries.
  • General & Administrative (G&A): A catch-all for all remaining operating costs.

Each category can be split into up to 10 subcategories when inputted. Click on the ‘+’ button to expand the subcategories.

Setting up a Spreadsheet Template 3


On the “Headcount” tab, fill out the number of employees for the four cost categories mentioned above. 


The last tab is “Attributes.” Here you can add attributes (customer metadata tags) which can be used to create customer Segments. You can add as many Attributes as you would like - these Attributes can be used to segment your customers by categories such as size and region.

Uploading your Template

Once the template is complete, upload the Excel file from your computer or select the correct Google Sheet from your Drive to create your Data Source. For Google Sheets, SaaSGrid recommends toggling on Auto-Sync.

Once the Data Source is created, connect your spreadsheet to a Workspace. For an existing Workspace, go to the three-dot menu to the left and select "Edit". Update the Data Sources accordingly.

  • Customer Revenue tab = Customers Data Source
  • Expenses tab = Accounting Source
  • Headcount tab = Headcount Source

Setting up a Spreadsheet Template 4

Updating your Template

To update a template, go to the file under the Data Sources tab.

If your Data Source is Google Sheets, click the Sync button to refresh the data from your Google Sheet. If your data source is an Excel file, select Update Data, then Browse Files to add a new spreadsheet to replace the existing file. Note that the old file will not be saved. 


Some limitations to Spreadsheet Files to note are:

  • no Retention metrics (CRM only)
  • no Billing or Trial-related metrics (Stripe only)
  • no Product breakdown (CRMs and Stripe)