Calculation Settings

On Charts and Reports, Calculation Settings adjust how your Metrics are calculated. Update your Calculation settings by clicking on the gear icon to the right of each Metric or by selecting ‘Edit Settings’ from the 3-dot menu next to a Metric, then ‘Calculation Settings’.

Calculation Settings 1

Calculation Setting Gear on Charts

Calculation Settings 2Calculation Setting Gear on Reports

Calculation Settings 3

(Method 1; Quick View)

Calculation Settings 4.     Calculation Settings 5

(Method 2: Advanced Calculation Settings)

Calculation Settings (for applicable Metrics):

  • Trailing Period: Measure your Metrics based on its performance at a historical point in the past (Previous Term, 3 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months).
  • Revenue Type: Live or Contracted ARR
  • Revenue Recognition Type: Daily or Monthly. SaaSGrid will allow daily revenue recognition to prorate the current month for revenue. Note that if set to "Daily", all customer revenue will be prorated per day. This calculation can be configured for all Revenue metrics (i.e. Revenue, Recurring Revenue, and Non-Recurring Revenue).
  • S&M Offset: Adjust the number of months prior S&M expenses should be used in calculations.
  • Expense Cost Percent: Adjust the percentage expenses should be calculated with
    • Expense types are Sales and Marketing (S&M), Research and Development (R&D), COGS (Cost of Goods Sold), and G&A (General and Administrative).
  • Burn Calculation Type: Burn or Net Loss
  • Use Expansion: True or False. This applies to Metrics related to New Sales ARR. If you want to also use Expansion ARR with your New Sales ARR, select True.
  • Cohort Retention Baseline & Cohort Age: Cohort Retention Baseline is the number of months after a cohort is formed that the Metric will start being measured. (Ex. if your Cohort Retention Baseline is 3 months, the cohort performance will be empty for Months 0-2, 100% for Month 3, then the Metric will adjust for each month onwards.)
  • Trial Groupings: Whether you want your trials to be grouped by the Trial Start or End Date

Calculation Settings 6

Another option of changing Calculation settings is through our Bulk Edit Tool. Open the tool by selecting on a single metric (color box) or the ‘Select Metrics’ button for a Metric Group.

Calculation Settings 7Calculation Settings 8

Changes made in the Bulk Edit Tool will apply to the Metrics selected. Select the gear icon to see your Calculation settings.

Other settings for Metrics include Display and Segment Settings.