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  2. Workspace & Dashboards

What are Dashboards?

A Dashboard is a visual layout of Charts, Reports, and Plans. You can create as many Dashboards as you want under the same Workspace. 

Charts, Reports, and Plans live at the Workspace level, and can be on multiple Dashboards within a Workspace). This means any change you make to a Chart, Report, or Plan will reflect on every Dashboard that contains that Chart, Report, or Plan. 

To add or remove a Chart/Report/Plan from a Dashboard, click the Edit button on the top right. 

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You can move Charts and Reports into the Dashboard, and rearrange the order they are presented here.

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Another option to add a Chart/Report/Plan into a Dashboard is to drag it from the side panel into the Dashboard. You can drag a Chart/Report/Plan next to an existing element until you see a blue box to drop it into. 

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Via the 3-dot menu to the right, you can minimize an expanded Chart/Report/Plan, or expand a minimized one. Within a Dashboard, you can move around elements by holding the 6-dot menu to the left, then dragging a Chart/Report/Plan to wherever you desire it to be.

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We offer Templates for Dashboards, which are pre-selected bundles of Charts, Reports, and Plans meant to display KPIs based on the type of company. Templates are meant to get you started, and can be edited and customized after creation. You can also create your Dashboards from scratch.

  • The Enterprise and Mid-Market SaaS Template is designed to show KPIs for companies that sell mid to large ACV contracts
  • The SMB and Consumer SaaS Template is designed to show KPIs for companies that sell small ACV contracts.
  • The Usage-based SaaS Template is designed to show KPIs for companies with usage-based pricing.
  • The Sales Template is designed to show KPIs for GTM teams.
  • The Customer Success Template is designed to show KPIs for CX teams.

The order of Dashboards themselves can be rearranged in the navigation pane.

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