Stripe End Dates

When a Subscription status changes, SaaSGrid has options to determine if and when the customer should be marked as churned. This article will break down relevant settings on Stripe, and End/Churn Dates for Canceled, Unpaid, and Past-Due Subscriptions.

1. Stripe Settings

2. Canceled Subscriptions

3. Unpaid and Past Due Subscriptions

Stripe Settings

Review your settings in Stripe to confirm that they accurately reflect what you want for different scenarios. Active Subscriptions can become Canceled, Past-Due, or Unpaid for the following reasons:

  • The Subscription has failed payments
  • A recurring payment is incomplete for x number of days
  • For invoices, the payment is past due for x number of days
  • The Subscription ends

Stripe End Dates 1

Stripe End Dates 2

For Subscriptions with incomplete recurring payments, you can set the status to become Canceled, Unpaid, or Past-Due. The Cancel Date can be scheduled to be either 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 15, 30, or 60 days after the Last Paid Billing Cycle.

Stripe End Dates 3

For Subscriptions with late manual invoices, you can set the status to become Canceled, Unpaid, or Past-Due. The Cancel Date can be scheduled to be either 15, 30, or 60 days after the Last Paid Billing Cycle.

In addition to these rules, you can manually cancel a Subscription if you go into Customers -> Select the Customer, "Cancel Subscription".

Stripe End Dates 4

Once you understand what causes Subscriptions to move to different statuses, you can select whether you want SaaSGrid to count MRR from Subscriptions while they are in a Past-Due or Unpaid status. You should always include MRR from Active Subscriptions, and never include it from Canceled Subscriptions.

Canceled Subscriptions

When a Subscription is moved to Canceled (due to failed or disputed payments, past-due invoices, a manual cancelation, or a Subscription ending), there are two options for when SaaSGrid considers the customer churned:

  1. As of the Last Paid Billing Cycle
  2. As of the Cancel Date

Cancel Date is the date the Subscription moves to Canceled status, as determined by Stripe rules. When you manually cancel a Subscription, you can set a Cancel Date in the future.

Last Paid Billing Cycle is the last day of a billing cycle where the associated invoice is in Paid status. For example, if a customer last paid for services from March 1 - March 31, the Last Paid Billing Cycle date is March 31. 

If the Cancel Date is earlier than the Last Paid Billing Cycle, which is only possible when the Cancel Date is manually set, SaaSGrid will always use the Cancel Date as the customer churn date.

When there is a failed payment or Past-Due invoice, the Cancel Date can be later than the Last Paid Billing Cycle. This typically occurs when a customer stops paying, but continues using your service for several periods before you cancel their subscription. In this case, SaaSGrid gives you the option of using either Last Paid Billing Cycle date or Cancel Date as the customer churn date:

Selecting Last Paid Billing Period marks customers as churned on the date they stopped paying, and aligns MRR more closely to cashflow. Selecting Cancel Date aligns MRR with the period when the customer likely used the product.

Unpaid and Past Due Subscriptions

If you do not count MRR from Subscriptions while they are in Unpaid or Past Due status, then SaaSGrid marks the customer as churned when they move to one of these statuses. There are two options for the date SaaSGrid marks them as churned:

  • As of the Last Paid Billing Cycle
  • As of the Last Billing Cycle

Similar to Canceled Subscriptions, for Unpaid and Past Due Subscriptions, it is common to want to show customers as churned on the last day of service they paid for. However, since Subscriptions usually move to Unpaid or Past Due due to non-payment, the Subscription may continue to generate billing cycles and invoices even when in these statuses. You can choose to mark the customer churned as of the last generated billing cycle, regardless of the payment status of the associated invoice.