HubSpot Start and End Dates

Dates designate the period a contract is active. You can set the start date of a contract to be either:

  • Close Date: The date a contract or contract change is agreed to).
  • Contract Start Date: The date a contract or contract change takes effect.

In chart settings, toggle between using Close Date (Contracted ARR) and Contract Start Date (Live ARR).

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There are three ways you can designate as the end of a contract:

  • Contract End Date: The last day of the contract.
  • Contract Length: The length of the contract in months. If there is no End Date, SaaSGrid will compute it based on Contract Length.
  • Default Contract Length: The length of contracts in months if no End Date or Contract Length is designated.

If you designate a Contract as "Month-to-Month," it will continue indefinitely until Contract End Date or Churn Date is populated.

For mid-contract changes, the End Date should match the End Date of the Contract being amended. If it does not, or the Contract Length implies it does not, there may be issues with calculating metrics. 

Start and End Dates can be tracked on Line Items or Deals. If Start Date or End Date is on the Deal level, then those dates will be used for all Line Items associated with that Deal. If Start Date or End Date is tracked on the Line Item, then each Line Item will have independent Start and End Dates.

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To understand your Date setup, SaaSGrid asks you to map what field you use for your Close Dates (the date sales closes) as well as Contract Start Date (the date a contract takes effect). 

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The same is done for End Dates. Indicate if your data about End Dates is recorded at the Deal or in your Line Items, and what HubSpot field is used. You can also set a default Contract Length.

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If you have a churn date field for Companies or Deals, you can also designate that in SaaSGrid. No MRR will be recorded for a Deal past a Deal churn date. No MRR will be recorded for the entire company past a Company churn date.

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Some of your contracts may be month-to-month. Indicate what (if any) HubSpot field signifies a month-to-month contract. Month-to-month contracts run indefinitely until an End Date or Churn Date is populated.

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