Non-Recurring Revenue in Stripe

SaaSGrid combines subscription revenue data with non-subscription payments from Stripe for full visibility into revenue.

Follow the steps below to setup non-recurring payments in SaaSGrid:

  1. Navigate to the Data Sources tab in the left-hand pane.

  2. Click on the Stripe Integration section and open the Settings pane. Select Non-Subscription Items from the list on the right-hand pane.

  3. For each Stripe Product, select how SaaSGrid should treat revenue from the product.  SaaSGrid will recognize the revenue based on the following methodology:

    Revenue Mapping Meaning Example Product
    Licensed Recurring revenue for a subscription product Annual platform fee
    Non-Recurring Non-recurring revenue for a one-time payment Implementation fee
    Metered Usage-based revenue based on consumption of services Cloud computing services
    Ignore SaaSGrid will omit this Stripe Product from calculation Internal testing data
  4. If a Stripe Product is mapped to the Non-Recurring category, SaaSGrid will prompt you to resolve when the non-recurring revenue will be recognized. 

  5. Once all Stripe Products and mappings are configured, click Save right below the table to save your changes.
  6. Congratulations! Non-recurring payments are now included in your revenue calculations.