Stripe Invoice Statuses

For each Stripe Subscription, invoices are issued at the beginning of each billing cycle, which can be monthly, quarterly, or annually.  Each invoice has its own status which indicates its payment status. Sometimes an active Subscription will have invoices in statuses other than “Paid”. SaaSGrid lets you control whether you want to exclude MRR from billing cycles associated with invoices in non-paid statuses, even if the overarching Subscription is active.

Invoice Statuses in Stripe 1

By default SaaSGrid excludes Draft from MRR because invoices in Draft were never finalized or sent to the customer.

Open, Paid, Void, and Uncollectible invoices are included in MRR by default. Open invoices are most likely going to be paid, and Paid invoices already have been. 

Invoice Statuses in Stripe 2

In the above example, there is a Void invoice in between two Active ones. If you want to show consistent MRR for all 3 months, you would not exclude Void invoices from MRR. However, if you want to have your MRR be more aligned with your cash flow, you may want to Select “Void” to exclude the unpaid billing period from MRR.