Stripe Rules Flow

SaaSGrid can connect to Stripe to get information about your customers and billing. SaaSGrid pulls in data about your Stripe Subscriptions to power our SaaS metrics. A Subscription represents the product details associated with the plan that your customers subscribe to, and is a method of billing that charges the customer on a recurring basis.

After you link your Stripe account to SaaSGrid, you will complete the rules flow to configure how SaaSGrid interprets Stripe data. These rules can be updated at any time under the Data Source Detail Page.

Updating Rules:

After completing the Rules for a Stripe set-up, you can always come back at any time to change a setting via its Detail Page. You can reach a Data Source Detail Page via the Data Sources section or the same page in a Workspace.

Method 1: Data Sources Section

Stripe Rules Flow 1

Method 2: Workspace

Stripe Rules Flow 2