Overview of CRMs

How to use Salesforce and HubSpot data to power SaaSGrid.

Data Sources are the inputs that SaaSGrid uses to calculate metrics. SaaSGrid integrates with CRMs to ingest customer contract details and automatically create revenue Data Sources. Currently SaaSGrid supports Salesforce and Hubspot.

Opportunity Types

The Salesforce integration works by tracking each unique Account’s Opportunities. The Opportunity Types set-up in Salesforce must map to one of three contract types in SaaSGrid:

  • New Contracts: A first time contract with a customer, or a contract with an existing customer that’s not associated with existing contracts.
  • Mid-Contract Changes: Expansion or contraction on an existing contract.
  • Renewals: A new contract replacing an expired one.

Example: Acme Corp signs a one year $1k MRR contract on 1/1/2023, designated on a New Contract Opportunity. In June they expand the contract to $1.5k using a Mid-Contract Change Opportunity. On 1/1/2024 they renew the contract for another year on a Renewal Opportunity.

Currently, all changes in the MRR require a new Opportunity.


“Amount” is the field that designates how much a contract is worth. You can use Salesforce’s default Amount field or a custom Opportunity field. You can designate your Amount field as one of three types:

  • MRR: The value of the Amount field is that customer’s MRR (the value used for metrics) for each month of the contract.
  • ARR: The value of the Amount field is that customer’s ARR for the contract. MRR (the value used for metrics) = ARR / 12.
  • TCV: The value of the Amount field is the total value of the contract. MRR (the value used for metrics) = TCV / the number of months the contract is active. A contract is active for a month if the last day of the month is equal to or between the start date and end date of the contract.

For mid-contract changes, Amount either designates:

  • Total: The new total value of the contract post the contract change.
  • Difference: The change in the value of the contract. For contraction, this number should be negative.

Examples: Amount type is MRR:  Acme Corp signs a $1k MRR contract on 1/1/2023, and expands to $1.5k MRR on 6/1/2023. If the mid-contract change amount is “Total” then Amount should be $1.5k. If the mid-contract change amount is “Difference,” Amount should be $500.


Dates designate the period a contract is active. There are two ways to designate the start date of a contract:

  • Close Date: The date a contract (or contract change) is agreed to (used by sales).
  • Contract Start Date: The date a contract (or contract change) takes effect (used by finance).

In chart settings, you can toggle between using Close Date (Contracted ARR) and Contract Start Date (Live ARR).

There are three ways to designate the end of a contract:

  • Contract End Date: The last day of the contract.
  • Contract Length: The length of the contract in months. If there is no End Date, SaaSGrid will compute it based on Contract Length.
  • Default Contract Length: The length of contracts, in months, if no End Date or Contract Length is designated.

Contracts that are designated as "Month-to-Month" via a custom field will continue indefinitely until Contract End Date is populated.

For mid-contract changes, End Date should match the End Date of the contract being amended. If it does not, or the Contract Length implies it does not, it may cause issues with metrics. If no End Date or Contract Length are designated, mid-contract changes will default to ending on the same date as the master contract.