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  2. Workspace & Dashboards

Configure Overview

This article explains how to customize the summary information that appears at the very top of a Chart in a Dashboard. Your primary Metric is the main bolded number to the top left that defines your Chart Overview. Supporting Metrics are any additional Metrics you add to a Chart. 

To set up what you see on a Chart Overview, click on the 3-dot menu and ‘Configure Overview.”

Configure Overview 1

(populated by demo data from our Template)

For all Chart Overviews, you can choose how the primary Metric is aggregated (monthly, quarterly, or annually), independent from how Metrics on the Chart are aggregated. You can also adjust the type of growth rate shown, or choose to exclude growth rate from your Chart overview.

If a growth rate is applied, you can select the number of time periods (based on your unit of aggregation) in the past for which your current Metric will be compared to, and whether you want to see the Compound Monthly Growth Rate (CMGR) or Period over Period Growth.

If your Chart has multiple Metrics you can select which Metric is primary, which is the number that appears in the Chart overview. 

Configure Overview 2

‘Let SaaSGrid Choose’ is SaaSGrid’s recommendation for which Metric should be the main number in your preview card, but you can select any Metric to be your primary Metric.

Configure Overview 3