Custom Attribute Metrics

Custom Attribute Metrics

Define custom calculations to build your metrics.

Chelsey Fang

Last updated: 6 March 2025

SaaSGrid allows users to add attributes as report values in charts and reports. To create a chart of an attribute, create a new Report, and navigate to the Attribute tab.

Custom Attribute Calculations

SaaSGrid has several custom attribute calculation options, currently limited to numerical attributes (i.e. text attributes will not be calculated). Numerical attributes can be added to SaaSGrid charts with sum, mean, and median available for calculation. Click on Attribute Mean to create a custom attribute metric that will calculate the average of any attribute across a time period.

Under Calculation Settings, specify the metric that needs to be averaged. First, select the model of the attribute: this can be at the customer-level, deal-level, or any other data model that SaaSGrid has created. Second, select the attribute in the dropdown. If you do not see your metric, you can click on Missing an attribute? Index a new column. to add in a new attribute metric, or check if the attribute is on another model (e.g. a customer-level attribute instead of a deal-level attribute). Click Submit to generate the chart. 

The chart details the average number of employees for all customers during that period. Like other charts in SaaSGrid, selecting any data point will show the customers that are incorporated into the data during that period.

Growth Accounting Attribute Calculations

Default calculations (e.g. sum, mean, and median) are calculated for current customers during each period. SaaSGrid can also calculate attribute counts for new, churned, expanded, contracted, retained, or resurrected customers. To generate a growth accounting attribute calculation, select any of the growth accounting categories under the Attribute tab. Click on Churn (Attribute) to calculate the attribute count added for churned customers.

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