Break out your expenses by product, geography, and other features.
Chelsey Fang
Last updated: 6 March 2025
SaaSGrid allows you to build segments and filter costs and cash from your accounting integrations. With Expense Segments, you can calculate efficiency metrics using specific expenses.
To make an Expense segment, navigate to Workspace Data and select the Expense Segments tab.
All created Expense Segments (categorized by Data Source) will be listed here, with Costs, Cash, and Create Dates detailed. Expense Segments can be edited and deleted in this view.
To make a new segment, click on Create Expense Segment + within the relevant Data Source (if applicable).
Mark the checkboxes for all cost items that will be included for the segment. Click on Next when finished.
Similar to the Costs section, mark the checkboxes for all cash items that will be included for the segment. Click on Next when finished.
Create a name for the Segment. Click on Save when finished. The segment will now be saved and modifiable.
After adding an expense metric to a report (e.g. S&M Expenses), SaaSGrid will ask you to select the Expense Segment at the top of the report. By default, expense metrics will include all expenses. To modify, click on All Expenses after adding an expenses metric. This option will be available for all metrics that show expenses or use expenses in a calculation.