

Use Segments to splice and dice your data.

Chelsey Fang

Last updated: 6 March 2025

Segments are filters to show a subset of your customer data, and can be used for both Charts and Reports. In the article, when a Chart is mentioned, the same action can be applied to Reports.

Creating a New Segment

Navigate to your Workspace Data and click "Customer Segments". Segments are separated by Data Source - in the following example, the file upload Data Source has 0 Segments configured, whereas the Salesforce Data Source has a few listed ("B2B" and "Enterprise").

Click "Create Segment". Name your Segment and use the filters to create logic that provides you with the subset of customers you are looking for.

Using Segments in Charts and Reports

Segments can be applied across all Metrics on a Chart, or selected for each Metric individually. On the top left of a Chart is the Segment button, which opens the Customer Segment menu. In the menu, create new Segments or Bulk Apply an existing Segment across all Metrics on a Chart. To the right of each Segment, you can edit, delete, and move the order of Segments.

Within the Legend, the funnel icon lists out the Segment applied for each specific metric. Segments can be different per metric, and multiple Segments may be applied to each metric.

Bulk Apply Segments

If you would like to apply a specific Segment to multiple metrics, use our Bulk Edit Tool. Simply select all the metrics you would like to update and apply the correct Segment. Select "Apply" and all selected metrics should be updated accordingly.

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