Aligning Stripe and SaaSGrid

While SaaSGrid and Stripe both report MRR, there are some differences in the MRR calculation from Stripe and SaaSGrid. 

While, SaaSGrid offers greater flexibility with coupons, dates, and MRR recognition, settings in SaaSGrid can be configured to more closely mirror Stripe behavior. To closer align Stripe reporting with SaaSGrid, configured the following settings:


Stripe Behavior

SaaSGrid Behavior

Stripe/SaaSGrid Settings Alignment


By default, Stripe incorporates forever coupons. One-time and repeating coupons can additionally be incorporated into MRR.

SaaSGrid matches Stripe’s behavior for coupons; we allow once, repeating, and forever coupons.

Match incorporated coupon types in Stripe with incorporated coupon types in SaaSGrid under Coupons.


Taxes and application fees are not included in MRR.

By default, inclusive tax is not incorporated into MRR. SaaSGrid can allow inclusive tax to be incorporated into MRR. Exclusive tax is never included in MRR.

Set the following settings in SaaSGrid under Taxes:

If your price includes tax, should the inclusive tax amount contribute to MRR?

No, exclude from MRR.


Any subscription still in a trialing status does not count towards MRR.

If a subscription transitions from trialing to active, the subscription will then count towards your MRR even if the first invoice is unpaid. Eventually, if the subscription is cancelled or marked unpaid, the subscription will no longer count towards your MRR and will also count towards your churn.

By default, SaaSGrid counts the trial as converted when the trial ends and the customer is moved to active status.

Alternatively, SaaSGrid also allows the date of the first paid invoice to indicate the trial conversion date.

To align with Stripe, SaaSGrid can also optionally count the subscription and MRR as active before the first paid invoice date.

Set the following settings in SaaSGrid under Trials:

When a trial completes, and a subscription moves to an active status, when should a customer count as converted?


Should SaaSGrid respect trials that begin after the first paid invoice?


Should SaaSGrid count a Subscription as active before the first invoice is paid?



Once a subscription is unpaid rather than active, your MRR will decrease by the amount on the subscription. If you mark subscriptions as unpaid as your dunning final action, we consider a subscription delinquent at the time the following invoice is generated and automatically closed. For example, if you had your final payment attempt on the 8th but don’t bill until the 15th of the month, your subscription will be marked delinquent on the 15th.

SaaSGrid lets you include unpaid invoices in MRR, while Stripe does not include unpaid invoices.

SaaSGrid can also optionally exclude draft, open, paid, void, and uncollectible invoices from MRR. 

Set the following settings in SaaSGrid under Invoices:

Should we include MRR from non-active subscriptions that never have had a successful payment?

No, exclude

Are there any invoice statuses that should never contribute towards MRR even if the Subscription is in good standing?

Yes, include MRR for invoices that have been fully credited

Should SaaSGrid discount MRR for invoices that have been refunded?



Stripe optionally allows for either the billing period end or the cancellation date to be set for the date of cancellation.

SaaSGrid optionally allows the subscription end date to be set for either the Last Paid Billing Cycle Date, the Cancel Date, or the earlier of the two.

Set the following settings under Subscription End Dates:

For cancelled subscriptions, which date should the Subscription end?

Earliest of Last Paid Billing Cycle and Cancel Date

For unpaid subscriptions, which date should the Subscription end?

Last Paid Billing Cycle

Should SaaSGrid mark subscriptions as ended immediately when a subscription is not designated to renew?

This should match the Stripe MRR setting of Count canceled subscriptions as churn in Stripe.

Metered billing

Metered billing is not included in Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) calculations, as the revenue can fluctuate significantly and is not predictable.

SaaSGrid will include metered billing in MRR. Metered products can be excluded via a segment in SaaSGrid.

Create a segment that excludes metered products in SaaSGrid and apply the segment to all MRR charts.


One-off refunds, like one-off discounts, do not affect MRR unless it is due to a change in the Plan’s price.

SaaSGrid optionally allows both credits or refunds to be incorporated in MRR. Fully credited invoices can still be included in MRR.

Should SaaSGrid count MRR for invoices that have been fully credited?

Yes, include MRR for invoices that have been fully credited.

Should SaaSGrid discount MRR for invoices that have been refunded?
